Home Âť How Men Think Differently About Dating Than Women!

You know what most women don’t realize? Well for one, that men and women are DIFFERENT! Yes, surprise surprise – guys are different than us.

They are not just “hairier” versions of us women. Believe me, I grew up around a house full of brothers and all their rowdy friends, and boy do they think differently and talk differently than us gals!

It was sure a blessing in disguise though that I essentially got to be a fly on the wall in the boys’ locker room all my life, which I owe a lot of my ability to understand guys very intimately and attract them well.

And, teach women how to do that. So getting into just one specific area of how guys are different than women, are how they think about dates.

women different from men
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Guys go into dates, think about dates differently, and what they are thinking ON the date is usually quite different than what women are thinking too!

You must understand these differences to help you see the man’s perspective so you can be more successful with connecting with them and getting them to pursue you.

  • #1. Guys are first thinking about SEX. Like it or hate it, they are first and foremost thinking, “Am I attracted to her? Do I want to have sex with her?” And beyond any thinking of thoughts even, they are FEELING something “down there,” or they’re not.

Sorry, but it’s the naked truth. No pun intended lol.

Boys will be boys. They are wired a certain way and have pieces of equipment, and it’s either going to go UP… or stay down and not respond.

They are firstly going with their “other” head, and following THAT head first. If they don’t’ even feel attracted to you (aka they want to have sex with you), then they won’t even bother seeing you again after a first date to see if anything else develops.

You must know that guys are attracted physically first, and you must make a guy feel sexually attracted to you, right from the first moment he sees you.

  • #2: Guys are not typically thinking long-term… Yet. They are not planning for the future, imagining walking hand-in-hand with you, or even thinking much about next weekend yet. Guys are much more in the here-and-now, present moment than women are.

Aside from a feeling of sexual attraction to you, they are either feeling GOOD in your presence, or not good or neutral. They are either having FUN with you, and feeling comfortable with you, and genuinely enjoying being with you and talking to you…. Or they are feeling bored or uncomfortable.

Has the date been “easy” with her, meaning easy to talk to, you are open and responsive, and engaging? Or has the date been difficult – difficult to get engaging conversations going, difficult for you to warm up to him, etc.

Most girls do not realize this, and they mistakenly believe that the guy will take the time to get to know her, and give her a few dates, and see if she has the potential and qualities to be long-term girlfriend material. But this isn’t true.

If they aren’t FEELING good in your presence – aka, you’re not generating positive emotions in him, then he isn’t going to stick around to see if you have other “positive qualities” or a “great heart” or not.

are men and women different

Even though you logically may have good qualities, men don’t decide to commit to a girl or pursue her based on “logical” reasons. They are just pulled to keep seeing her based on their feelings. Or, not, if neutral or negative feelings were created.

A lot of women are BORING on their dates. They either don’t talk much, expecting to just show up and have the man “entertain” them and impress them, or the stuff they talk about is boring to guys and they’re not engaging to they guy in their body language and energy.

So, a guy leaves the date thinking, “Eh, she was nice. But she just had no “spark” about her. No “WOW factor.” Or, “I’m just not feeling it.” This is what guys say all the time.

She may very well be a physically attractive woman, or even have really great qualities on paper and be super intelligent with a great career or very kind, but if a man isn’t feeling it then he’s just not going to feel any desire to call and see you again.

Remember that now, even more so than before, there is so much competition now, unfortunately for us women. Because of new advances like Tinder and online dating sites, guys have so many options now, and you can bet that any guy you are talking to, is probably also talking to two or three other girls at the moment too.

So a girl who he didn’t feel 1) sexually attracted to and 2) an emotional spark or positive, excited feelings with, is not even going to be on his radar.

Aka, you’re not going to be on his thoughts during the day. And why should he make the effort to set up another day with you, and spend his money, if he isn’t feeling it? He’s not – he’s going to try another option.

A Good Rule of Thumb

Deanna Lorraine
Dating Coach

If a guy is feeling it with a girl and attracted to her, he will be contacting her within 3 days of the date, max! And he will want to see her again as soon as possible. If a guy waits more than a week to see you again, and this is a common theme and his reason for waiting doesn’t have to do with traveling or emergencies, then he’s either just not that into you – or he’s got another woman and you’re the side-girl.

Sorry, but you’ve gotta hear the truth!

Key Notes: 9 Differences Between the Male and Female Thought Process onle list please

  1. Focus vs. Multitasking: Men tend to focus on one task or problem at a time, while women are often more adept at multitasking.
  2. Problem-Solving: Men usually prefer to solve problems independently and may not discuss a problem unless they’re seeking a solution. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to discuss problems to process emotions and seek input, not necessarily to find a solution.
  3. Emotional Processing: Men tend to compartmentalize their emotions and may not discuss their feelings as often. Women, conversely, generally process their emotions through dialogue and are more comfortable discussing their feelings.
  4. Spatial and Verbal Abilities: Men typically demonstrate stronger spatial abilities and are often more comfortable dealing with things in a physical space. Women usually have stronger verbal abilities and are more comfortable expressing themselves through words.
  5. Risk-Taking: Men are often more likely to take risks and engage in competitive behavior. Women, generally, tend to be more risk-averse and collaborative.
  6. Relationship Building: Men often build relationships based on shared activities and interests, while women are more likely to build relationships based on shared emotions and conversations.
  7. Detail vs. Big Picture: Women are often more attentive to details, subtleties, and context. Men, on the other hand, tend to be more focused on the big picture and direct facts.
  8. Communication Style: Men typically use communication to convey information and solve problems, while women use it to express feelings and establish connection.
  9. Empathy and Nurturing: Women usually show higher levels of empathy and nurturing behavior due to both societal conditioning and biological predispositions, whereas men are more encouraged to hide their emotions and display strength.

There really are women who think like men?

The subject of whether women think differently than men has been a topic of debate for many years. When we want to talk about the psychological differences between men and women, it’s important to tread carefully, as it is a complex and sensitive topic. One common assertion is that there are women who think “as men think,” but what does this mean exactly? The statement assumes that all men and all women think in particular, uniform ways, which is a generalization.

women who think like men
Photo by Jonathan Borba

There is evidence for greater male variability in some cognitive traits, but this doesn’t mean that every man thinks in one way and every woman in another. Human behavior is too complex to be easily categorized. Every individual thinks differently based on a variety of factors, including their upbringing, culture, experiences, and individual personality traits.

That being said, research does indicate some statistical differences in the ways many men and women process information and make decisions. These findings show that while there is a great deal of overlap, women and men tend to have different cognitive strengths and weaknesses on average.

For example, women are often found to be better at multitasking and empathy, while men are more likely to excel in spatial tasks.

But how much more likely are these differences? Is it substantial enough to conclude that all women think differently than all men, or that some women think exactly as men do? The evidence suggests that the variability within each gender is greater than the variability between genders. In other words, while there may be average differences between men and women, the individual differences among men and among women are greater.

When it comes to relationships and understanding one’s partner’s thoughts and emotions, it’s not as straightforward as categorizing them as “women versus men.” Understanding how a man thinks or how a woman thinks goes beyond mere gender differences. It’s more about understanding that person’s unique experiences, perspectives, and cognitive processes.

So yes, there really are women who may think more like what we stereotypically associate with male thinking. But they’d likely not be the norm, given the larger trend of cognitive differences between genders. Furthermore, it’s essential to remember that the way men think about women or women think about men is also influenced by societal norms and personal experiences, and not solely determined by their biology.

Understanding the Different Needs of Men and Women

Researchers have delved into the question, “Do men and women think differently?” A significant amount of research points to the affirmative, particularly when it comes to relationships. Understanding the distinct needs and expectations men and women carry into relationships can provide a fascinating lens through which we can examine our interactions with the opposite sex.

For example, how are women and men different think about what they want from a relationship. It’s been found that men often crave a sense of being appreciated and wanted. They tend to be more satisfied in relationships where they feel their efforts are acknowledged, and their contributions are valued.

Women, on the other hand, seem to prioritize emotional intimacy and open communication. They frequently seek a depth of connection that is nurtured through sharing feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This concept of women valuing open communication could explain why some men sometimes feel like women seem to talk more about emotions.

These differing perspectives in thinking – or “men vs women thinking” as some might term it – result in unique interaction dynamics. Understanding these differences can be key to navigating relationships effectively and empathetically. Misunderstandings often arise when one party assumes that the other thinks in the same way they do.

Moreover, it is important to note that not all men or women conform to these general patterns of thinking. There are men who think more like the traditional understanding of how women think, placing a high value on emotional intimacy and communication. Similarly, some women may place a high value on feeling appreciated and wanted, a trait typically associated with how men think.

women think about

In other words, while exploring “how men and women think differently” provides valuable insights, it’s always crucial to remember that people are individuals with unique needs, wants, and ways of thinking, which may not always align with gender stereotypes.

Men and Sex: Biological or Psychological?

Exploring the dynamics of the genders, particularly when it comes to understanding sex and the factors influencing sexual behaviors, is a complex topic that has been the subject of much debate. We often wonder about what women really think of men, and vice versa. The difference between the male and female thinking process can be nuanced, and it’s not always entirely biological.

It’s essential to remember that individuals’ perspectives can vary widely, which further adds to the complexity. When we ask, “How do women think?” or “How men think?” we are seeking to understand the general patterns or tendencies, not an absolute law that applies to everyone.

Generally speaking, it’s been observed that men may place a greater emphasis on the physical aspects of sex due to the effects of testosterone. However, for many men, sex isn’t merely a physical act. It is also a means to connect with their partner on a deeper level and feel affirmed in their masculinity.

On the other hand, the female thinking process might lean more towards an emotional connection in a sexual relationship. Women might see sex as an extension of their emotional bond with their partner. Of course, this is not universally true, and many women also enjoy the physical aspects of sex.

differences between male and female

Though men and women can act differently in many aspects, they share more similarities than differences. Both crave connection, validation, and satisfaction in their relationships. Ultimately, understanding and appreciating these differences and similarities can lead to healthier and more satisfying relationships.

What Do Women Want in a Relationship?

When delving into the realm of relationships and exploring the question of “What do women want in a relationship?” it’s important to consider how men think about women, and whether there’s a contrast in the perceptions and expectations between the two genders.

Often, the differences between men and women in relationships aren’t just about their physical characteristics but also involve emotional dimensions. It’s an intriguing subject that constantly surfaces in numerous discussions, emphasizing the proverbial question: “Are women and men different?” Indeed, in many aspects, they are. While it’s essential not to generalize, as everyone is unique with their preferences and desires, some trends can be observed across many relationships.

men and women think differently
Photo by Fauxels

In contrast to men, women tend to place a high value on emotional intimacy. They often look for partners who can offer emotional support, understand their feelings, and respond with empathy. Women want partners who make them feel cherished and valued for more than just their physical attractiveness. These emotional needs can sometimes lead to the perception that men and women are different in their relationship desires.

Different as men and women may be, it’s crucial to delve into how men think about women and relationships. Some men believe they understand women’s needs and desires, but there can be a gap between this perception and reality. “As men think,” might not always align with how women feel or what they need.

Unfortunately, this misunderstanding can sometimes lead to the misguided notion that “men think they are better than women.” Such an idea is not only incorrect but also harmful to building a strong, respectful, and loving relationship. The core of any healthy relationship should be mutual respect, understanding, and equality.

At the end of the day, the dynamics between men and women in relationships are intricate and multi-faceted. While there might be general trends in how “men&women” interact, everyone is different and unique in their own way. It’s about understanding and appreciating these differences, fostering open communication, and nurturing a bond based on mutual respect, love, and care.

How Do Men Process Thoughts?

Understanding how men process thoughts is a fascinating topic that delves into the complex nature of human psychology. It’s been observed that men often approach thinking in a compartmentalized manner, allowing them to focus intently on one thing at a time. This distinctive approach towards problem-solving gives us insight into the range of behaviours men might exhibit.

When we question “what does men think?”, it is essential to remember that thoughts are influenced by several factors such as personal experiences, socio-cultural backgrounds, and individual personalities. Men, like any other group, display a wide range of positive and negative behaviours, shaped by their thought processes.

male and female differences
Photo by Cottonbro studio

Another interesting aspect to consider is the contrast to women in the way thoughts are processed. Women are often seen as more expressive and communicative, which sometimes gives the impression that men are less so. However, this does not imply that men are any less emotional or thoughtful. Instead, men might have a stronger inclination to first internally process and work through issues independently before discussing them.

Moreover, exploring “what women really think about men” is an intriguing angle. Women’s perceptions about men often relate to their experiences and interactions with men. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that these views can vary greatly from person to person, reflecting the diversity and individuality in both genders.

Now, regarding “how do men and women think differently”, scientific studies indicate that while there are some broad general trends, there’s also a tremendous amount of overlap and individual variation. Furthermore, many of these differences are subtle and influenced as much by culture and upbringing as by biology.

Why Men May Not Ask as Many Questions

Men often view questions differently than women. While women use questions to establish connection and deepen conversation, men may see questions as intrusive or challenging. They also might see questioning as a sign of uncertainty, which contrasts with their instinct to appear decisive and in control.

The differences between men and women can often be chalked up to primal instincts that have evolved over millennia. Associate Professor Stefan Volk has been studying these gender differences and one of his key findings is that men are more likely than women to avoid asking questions. This isn’t because men have less curiosity or a lower desire for understanding, but rather it’s tied to their unique communication style and the ways men process and convey information.

An intriguing study has unveiled why men and women are so different in this regard. Traditionally, men have been hunters and protectors, roles that often require decisive action and a demonstration of strength and control. This could potentially explain why men are less likely to ask questions, as it might be perceived as a sign of uncertainty or weakness.

Men who think like women, in the sense of being more open to asking questions, can sometimes find themselves in a challenging position. They are often caught between the need to align with societal expectations of masculinity and their own desire for connection and deeper understanding. Such societal norms can complicate the dynamics, particularly in heterosexual relationships where traditionally defined roles are often upheld.

Yet it’s crucial to remember that it is not a universal rule, these are just observed tendencies. Many men recognize the value of inquiry and actively foster their curiosity. However, the primal instinct, our early programming so to speak, often leads to fewer questions being asked by men.

So, the question isn’t so much “why are men different from women” but rather “how can we appreciate these differences and work with them?” This means understanding the unique ways men communicate, recognizing what men need in terms of communication style, and ultimately promoting an environment where everyone feels safe to ask questions. By doing this, we can cultivate more productive and meaningful interactions between all genders.

What Women Seek from Their Partners

Women seek emotional connection, understanding, and validation from their partners. They like to share their thoughts and feelings and feel heard and validated in return. They want a partner who is responsive, empathetic, and attentive to their needs and feelings.

women think
Photo by DeAnna Lorraine: Women Think 2024

On an average to stand, the ways men and women perceive and express emotions can vary significantly. This is often described as thinking like women or thinking like men. While it is important to avoid over-generalizations, research led by an international team has pointed towards certain patterns.

Men are more likely than women to suppress their emotions, owing to societal norms that associate emotional expressivity with weakness. On the other hand, women often feel more comfortable expressing their feelings and seek emotional connection, understanding, and validation from their partners.

The research on male participants and female participants further suggests that women and men process emotional experiences differently. For instance, women tend to ruminate more on emotional experiences, while men are generally more focused on problem-solving. This might lead to a perception that men and women think differently.

Why do men think they are better than women? This question has sparked debates across societies and cultures. It’s important to note that such beliefs are more reflective of societal conditioning and stereotypes than biological or cognitive differences.

Despite these stereotypes, when asked what women really think of men, the responses can be as varied as the individuals themselves. Just as there are men who are sensitive and emotionally expressive, there are women who are assertive and solution-focused.

How Does Gender Influence Decision Making?

Understanding the dynamics of gender influence on decision-making has been a subject of interest for many researchers. In fact, Dr. Volk “Professor of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich” said that gender indeed plays a critical role in shaping our thought process and subsequently, the way we make decisions.

Traditionally, it’s assumed that men think differently when it comes to problem-solving and decision-making, often prioritizing logic and concrete facts. Conversely, women tend to consider the emotional impacts and potential repercussions on relationships more significantly in their thought process. These behavioral characteristics may be attributed to the difference between the male and female thinking process, which has been subjected to extensive studies.

These studies aim to answer questions like “Do men think of women as potential partners more often?” or “What do women really think about men?” Surprisingly, the researchers found that men and women often perceive each other differently when it comes to decision making. Men may view women as being more emotionally guided, while women may perceive men as indifferent or overly logical.

differences between genders

There is also a growing conversation around “men vs women thinking” comparisons. This narrative often highlights the polarities but leaves little room for the spectrum of thought processes that exist within each gender. It’s also important to note that there are alternative explanations for these observed differences, and these explanations often intertwine with sociocultural factors.

Despite the stark contrasts often drawn between genders, it’s not accurate to say that all men or women think or act differently in a given scenario. We should remember that individual differences play a crucial role too. There are many instances where a person might act in ways that defy these broad-stroked gender norms, and it’s key to not let stereotypes overshadow these variations.

women are like the sun

Men, Women, and the Art of Communication

As a researcher in the field of human interaction and relationships, I have devoted my career to understanding the complexities that define the art of communication between men and women. The innate mechanisms that drive us all are fascinating, yet they can also create misunderstanding and discord if not properly understood. Men and women think differently, and this is influenced by a myriad of factors, both biological and societal.

Men use communication as a tool to establish status and achieve goals. This is in part due to the way societal norms have conditioned men to think. Women, on the other hand, primarily use communication as a medium to build connections and nurture relationships. There’s an undeniable truth in saying men and women are different, and these differences extend far beyond physical attributes.

This dichotomy becomes even more pronounced when you consider romantic relationships. Men and women often think differently about relationships, and this is evident in the way they fall in love, express affection, and maintain relationships. These divergent perspectives can sometimes lead to a disconnect, causing feelings of frustration or misunderstanding.

difference of men and man

For instance, when men think of women, they tend to think in terms of ‘doing’ – actions and accomplishments, whereas women tend to focus more on the emotional connection. This difference in approach and understanding can make it challenging for both parties to navigate their relationships effectively.

If you’re looking for advice on how to understand these differences better, it is essential to open lines of communication. Ask women about their feelings, and encourage men to do the same. People fall in love and express affection differently, so understanding your partner’s communication style can lead to a more fulfilling relationship.

The Impact of Gender on Relationship Support

Men and women tend to give and receive support differently in relationships. Men might offer solutions to problems, while women offer empathy and understanding. Recognizing these different support styles can help couples understand each other better and meet each other’s needs more effectively.

If you’re a lark, you may be missing your best hours working 9am to 5pm. If you’re an owl you may be knocking off when you’re at your most alert.

Closing the Gap: Overcoming Gender Differences in Thought and Action

Despite these gender differences, it’s important to remember that men and women are more alike than different. They both seek connection, understanding, and happiness in relationships. By understanding these differences and showing empathy, we can close the gender gap and create more harmonious relationships.

Difference Between the Thinking of Men and Women

When discussing the potential pros and cons of men and women’s differing thought processes and behaviors, it’s essential to remember that these are broad generalizations and not applicable to every individual. People are unique and diverse, and gender is only one of many factors that influence how we think and act. But, for the purpose of this conversation, let’s explore some of these generalized attributes.

Pros and Cons of the Female Mindset

Pros of Women’s Thought Processes:

  1. Collaborative Decision Making: Women often consider multiple perspectives and involve others in decision-making processes. This can lead to more comprehensive solutions and increased team cohesion.
  2. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Studies suggest women are generally more empathetic and have higher emotional intelligence, leading to improved interpersonal relationships and better understanding of others’ emotions.
  3. Multi-tasking Ability: Although the ability to multitask varies greatly among individuals, research indicates that women, on average, may be better at handling multiple tasks at once.

The Cons of the Female Mindset

  1. Overthinking: While it’s not exclusive to women, they might be more likely to overthink or ruminate on problems, which can lead to anxiety or decision paralysis.
  2. Self-doubt: Despite their competence and skills, women are often more likely to underestimate their abilities, which can hinder their progress and opportunities.
  3. Higher Emotional Sensitivity: Increased empathy and emotional intelligence can also make women more susceptible to emotional stress and burnout.

Pros and Cons of the Male Mindset

Pros of Men’s Thought Processes:

    1. Task-focused: Men often have a more task-oriented approach to problem-solving, which can lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness in certain situations.

    1. Decisiveness: Men, on average, tend to be more decisive, which can be particularly beneficial in high-pressure situations that require quick decision-making.

    1. Confidence: Men are generally more confident and more likely to overestimate their abilities, which can be advantageous in leadership positions and competitive environments.

The Cons of the Male Mindset

    1. Reluctance to Seek Help: Men are often less likely to ask for help due to societal expectations of self-reliance and independence. This can limit their resources and perspectives when facing challenges.

    1. Emotional Suppression: Men are generally expected to suppress their emotions, which can lead to poor emotional health and ineffective communication.

    1. Overconfidence: While confidence can be an advantage, overconfidence can lead to risky decisions and a lack of consideration for potential problems.

Both men and women have distinct strengths and weaknesses, contributing to their unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. The key lies in acknowledging and leveraging these differences for individual and collective growth.

In summary: Do men and women think differently?

  • Men and women think and act differently in relationships due to a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.
  • Men tend to focus on physical attraction and problem-solving, while women value emotional connection and communication.
  • Gender differences also extend to communication styles, decision-making, and the way individuals offer and receive support in relationships.
  • Despite these differences, men and women share common goals of connection, understanding, and happiness in relationships.
  • Understanding these differences and showing empathy can help improve relationships and bridge the gender gap.

PSS: A few other Things Guys do:

  • If guys are feeling bored on the date with you, or not feeling good enough about you to see potential with you, he may then try to just get you drunk and sleep with you that night. Because in a guy’s mind, he figures “Well if I’m not going to see her again anyways, I might as well at least get laid for the night.”
  • So if a guy seems like he’s trying really hard to move quickly and take you back to his place or your place that night, this is what’s going on most likely. It does NOT mean he likes you though – For guys, they don’t have to “like” a girl in order to sleep with them. AND, he probably isn’t planning on calling you afterward either. So don’t fall for it!

Most women might find themselves surprised by the truth that men and women not only act but also think differently. This blog post is a deep dive into this fascinating topic of gender differences in thought and behavior patterns. The importance of understanding these gender disparities cannot be understated – it can significantly improve the quality of your relationships and contribute to personal growth.


Do men have a harder time dating than women?

This is subjective and can vary greatly depending on individual experiences and circumstances. Some men may struggle more due to societal expectations of initiating contact or fear of rejection.

What is the male intimacy cycle when falling in love?

Men often experience cycles of intimacy that involve pursuing closeness, pulling away to regain independence, and then seeking intimacy again. This cycle is common during the early stages of falling in love.

How does a man act when he is falling in love?

Men in love often demonstrate a desire to protect and care for their partner, show increased attention and affection, and invest time and effort into the relationship.

What is the biggest psychological difference between man and woman?

One significant psychological difference is that men tend to focus on tasks and problem-solving, while women often prioritize emotional connection and empathy.

How long does it take for a man to fall in love vs a woman?

There is no definitive time frame as it’s highly individual and depends on personal experiences, emotional readiness, and the nature of the relationship.

Can men and women think the same?

While there are general differences in thought processes, both men and women have the capacity for similar intellectual and emotional understanding.

Are men and women different, but equal?

Yes, men and women can have different strengths, weaknesses, and approaches, but they are equal in value, rights, and potential.

Is Online Therapy Effective For Relationship Support?

Yes, online therapy can be an effective platform for providing relationship support, offering convenience and accessibility.

Deanna Lorraine
Dating Coach
I'm DeAnna Lorraine, a dating and relationship coach with a holistic approach to helping single men navigate the complex world of dating.